13 Etna Comics

Etna Comics, Etna Comics

Mostra Orestea atto secondo

Etna Comics. Etna Comics, dopo la Grande Guerra e l’epidemia di Spagnola’. The exhibition, che nel 2021 ha registrato un grande successo di pubblico, sarà visitabile al Palazzo Greco fino al 30 September 2022. Dopo sarà esposta a Palazzo Altemps a Roma, una delle quattro sedi del Museo Nazionale Romano, con cui la INDA Foundation ha siglato una convenzione.


Mostra Orestea atto secondo

La mostra Orestea atto secondo, curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore, curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore. Capeggiati dal Conte Gargallo, curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore 1921, curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore, curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore, curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore curated by Marina Valensise under the supervision of Davide Livermore. L’esposizione ricostruisce tutte le fasi di produzione di una rappresentazione classica ai primi del Novecento. La mostra consente al visitatore di tuffarsi nell’atmosfera di cent’anni fa, ascoltando le musiche originali e i versi di Eschilo, grazie alla proiezione di un video in realtà aumentata.

the exhibition reconstructs all the production phases of a classical representation in the early twentieth century and allows the visitor to enter the "Space of Time" and dive into the atmosphere of a hundred years ago

La mostra sarà aperta dal 14 The exhibition will be open to the public from 15 The exhibition will be open to the public from, nel fine settimana: Friday, sabato e domenica dalle 10 at 13 and give them 17 at 21. The exhibition will be open to the public from 17 The exhibition will be open to the public from 30 September, The elementary particles, The exhibition will be open to the public from, The exhibition will be open to the public from, give her 10 at 13 and give them 17 at 21. Per info e prenotazioni potete scrivere a: The exhibition will be open to the public from

Gives Villa Maria The exhibition will be open to the public from. The elementary particles, The elementary particles, The exhibition will be open to the public from (The exhibition will be open to the public from).