Giardini Naxos, the Claudio Palmieri exhibition at the Archaeological Park
17 Jul

Giardini Naxos, the Claudio Palmieri exhibition at the Archaeological Park

E’ was inaugurated last week in the archaeological area of ​​the Naxos Park, the exhibition "Claudius Palmieri. Wrinkles of time". Nineteen works, between sculptures and installations, which retrace thirty-six years of activity of the Roman artist, from 1987 to date. The exhibition, set up in the green area that leads to the Archaeological Museum of Naxos, it will be open until next time 30 September, everyday, give her 9 at 19. The cost of the ticket remains unchanged: entire 4 euro, reduced 2 euro. Info


The title "Pieghe del tempo" evokes the idea of ​​a temporal stratification connected with the creative gesture, which is expressed in the physical contact of the hand with the material. E’ this is a characteristic aspect of Claudio Palmieri's poetics, always oriented towards experimentation and the contamination of different techniques and genres. Whether it's paint pigment, ceramic, plastic, metal or otherwise, the matter bends under a skilful and instinctive gesture and gives life to concretions that recall geological residues, fossil finds, biomorphic traces.

In the shadow of Etna, the pieces of simulated nature to which the artist gives life establish a dialogue with the long times of geological eras and natural cataclysms.

Shapeless matter is always confronted in Palmieri's sculptures with an architectural need, in a short circuit between instinct and rationality, between emotional drive and structural rigour. The artist contests not only the traditional layout of the monument isolated in space, ma anche il dogma della regolarità geometrica dei piani costruttivi. Le sue strutture, aperte nello spazio, leggere e dinamiche, restituiscono la sensazione di un momento bloccato in un processo di trasformazione continua.



Nato a Roma nel 1955, si forma con il pittore futurista Mino Delle Site e si diploma all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma. Dopo un esordio in ambito informale, la sua ricerca si orienta verso una pittura e scultura polimateriche, aperta anche a elaborazioni fotografiche. Il suo lavoro, always characterized by experimentation and contamination of languages, it also leads him to create performances as a sound sculptor. In the 1980s, Palmieri participated in the atmosphere of the Nuova Scuola Romana around the L'Attico Gallery by Fabio Sargentini. Lì espone la prima volta nel 1985 and two years later he made his debut as a sculptor. After the exhibition at the Annina Nosei Gallery in New York and the participation in the Venice Biennale in 1986, it is included in important generational group exhibitions.

By car you can reach the Nike Theater in Giardini Naxos from Villa Maria in about 20 minutes. With the train, The elementary particles, The elementary particles 20 minutes (The elementary particles).