Acireale il più bel Carnevale di Sicilia
29 Jan

The most beautiful Carnival in Sicily has kicked off in Acireale

Tantissimi i visitatori che hanno raggiunto Acireale per l’apertura del più bel Carnevale di Sicilia. Oltre ai carri allegorici, protagonisti principali della manifestazione, molto gradita dal pubblico l’esibizione dei Beddi, che hanno cantato sul palco la sigla ufficiale del Carnevale, ed il concerto di LDA. Beyond 6500 i biglietti venduti nella prima serata, quasi il doppio dello scorso anno.

Archiviata la prima giornata del più bel Carnevale di Sicilia, the next events with the parades of allegorical grotesque floats are scheduled for Saturday 3, Sunday 4, Saturday 10, Sunday 11 Its tuesday 13 February. At the Maugeri Theater the exhibition of miniature wagons will be open from Monday to Friday, give her 9.00 at 13.00 and give them 16.00 at 19.00, Saturday and Sunday all day from 9.00 at 21.30. The isolated masks will be on display in Piazza Garibaldi on Saturday and Sunday continuously from 9.00 at 21.30.

The photographic exhibition The Carnival, organized by the cultural association Switch on Art, it will be open to visitors in via Ruggero Settimo on Saturday 3, Sunday 4, Saturday 10, Sunday 11, Monday 12 Its tuesday 13 February from 9.30 at 12.30 and give them 15.30 at 21.30. The exhibition “I'm coming too”, curated by the Filatelica Numismatica Acese association, it can be visited at Palazzo di Città from Monday to Friday from 9.30 at 12.30 and give them 16.00 at 19.00, Saturday and Sunday all day from 9.30 at 21.30.




Gives Villa Maria puoi raggiungere Acireale in auto in appena 15 minutes. The elementary particles, The elementary particles, in 10 minutes (The exhibition will be open to the public from).